The following questions were asked by structured settlement factoring companies to Settlement Quotes when acquiring additional quotes on a structured settlement factoring transaction for a client:
- "Is this a legitimate offer?"
- "Can you get this quote in writing?"
- "Can they make money with a discount rate that low?"
The answer to all of these questions was "Yes!" After providing these companies with the written offer to see if they could beat the quote that I obtained, I received criticism for using a company that provides a discount rate in the 8% range.
What is wrong with providing a client an excellent quote?
In this authors opinion, structured settlement factoring companies objective should be to provide their clients or future clients with their best offer. Many factoring companies will start their offers very low hoping they can close the deal and make a large profit. This type of business practice is not good for the consumer or for the industry.
Most individuals selling a portion of their structured settlement are not in great financial standing. Taking advantage of these individuals seems to be a common practice among a few factoring companies in this industry.
At Settlement Quotes our business plan is designed to provide the lowest discount rate and highest quotes possible for our clients. This business plan does not render large profits for our company, but does render a great service for our clients.