John Darer wrote an interesting post NSSTA versus the Rogues of Factoring, while I don't agree with the interesting video Mr. Darer showed in his post, I do agree with the symbolism. While Mr. Darer is battling the structured settlement brokers who are taking commissions on factoring transactions, other thoughts came to mind while reading his post. Where is the structured settlement factoring education? Where does an annuitant or a structured settlement broker go to find information about structured settlement factoring?
Mr. Darer does an excellent job at educating the public about the structured settlement industry and secondary markets, but his opinion is only 1 opinion. The NSSTA does a great job at educating structured settlement brokers and settlement planners, but where is the factoring industries equivalent to the NSSTA? Annuitants who are thinking about selling (transferring) their payment rights need somewhere to go.
Settlement Quotes is planning to build a website for structured settlement brokers, settlement planners, annuitants and factoring companies to turn to as an education and information portal. This author hopes several writers will help to expand this website into a community forum.
All financial professionals will be able to gain access to the administration panel allowing you to submit articles and discussions for the factoring community to view and respond to.
If you would like to discuss this more, please feel free to contact us